- Nucleus family (keluarga inti)
- Extended family (keluarga besar)
- Husband (suami)
- Wife (istri)
- Father (ayah)
- Mother (ibu)
- Son (anak laki-laki)
- Daughter (anak perempuan)
- Grand mother (nenek)
- Grand father (kakek)
- Grand son (cucu laki-laki)
- Grand daughter (cucu perempuan)
- Sister (saudara perempuan)
- Brother (saudara laki-laki)
- Nephew (keponakan laki-laki)
- Niece (keponakan perempuan)
- Cousin (sepupu)
- Uncle (paman)
- Aunt (bibi)
- Mother in law (ibu mertua)
- Father in law (bapak mertua)
Contoh kalimat:
- I've got three sisters and two brothers.
- Andre is Dina's husband.
- Andre and Dina are Karin's parents.
- Andre is my brother.
Tall (tinggi) Short (pendek)
Slim (langsing) Fat ( gemuk)
Thin (kurus) Skinny (kerempeng)
Black (hitam) White (putih)
handsome (tampan) Beautiful (cantik)
Pretty (cantik) Ugly (jelek)
Shy (malu) bad tempered (pemarah)
creative (kreatif) easy going (santai)
good (baik) dilligent (rajin)
bad (buruk) friendly (ramah)
smart (cerdas) lazy (malas)
clever (pandai) talkative (sumeh)
cheerful (ceria) honest (jujur)
weak (lemah) strong (kuat)
naughty (nakal) confident (yakin)
brave (berani) worried (khawatir)
pale (pucat) upset (gugup)
sad (sedih) happy (bahagia)
angry (marah) calm (tenang)
Describe Performance and Personality
Rumusnya: S + TO BE + ADJECTIVE (kata sifat)
- She is beautiful.
- They are cheerful.
- I am shy.
- He is strong.
- You are clever.
- We are proud.
Jagad18, terima kasih untuk kunjungan-nya. Maaf, beberapa komen-nya saya hapus.
BalasHapusSemoga kita selalu berada di jalan yang Allah ridhoi.